
Tuesday, 7 April 2009

IB - Mimi Spencer - 101 Things to do Before You Diet

Title:  101 Things to do Before You Diet
Author:  Mimi Spencer
Publisher:  Doubleday
ISBN:  9780385616102
Price:  £12.99

The Back of the Book:  Ways to eat, Ways to cheat, What to wear, What to ditch.

Discover the secrets that really will mak a difference to the way you look and feel about yourself.

If you think it's time to free yourself from the tyranny of thin, this sassy, funny and practical book by style guru Mimi Spencer is for you.

Like your ideal best friend, she'll help you realise your thinner self without all the depressing self-denial, guilty weigh-ins and faddy food plans of conventional diets.

Mimi will help you mae the most of what you've got, and see that the woman you are now is just as fabulous as the woman you want to be.

Why I Chose this Book:  Basically, I'm trying to lose weight and I could use a boost.  I loved Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet.  Let me be clear - I loved the book.  The diet didn't do it for me.  I followed it slavishly for a month.  I lost 5lbs the first week and then 0lbs, 0lbs and 0lbs.  I'm now on SlimmingWorld which I know from experience does work for me (when I stick at it).  SW offers several different eating plans and I've been trying the newest one with little success.  So I feel the need for a Neris and India-style boost while returning to the eating plan that does work.

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