
Sunday, 10 August 2008

Mimi Wilson & Shelly Cook Volkhardt - Holy Habits

Title: Holy Habits
Author: Mimi Wilson & Shelly Cook Volkhardt
Publisher: Navpress
Format: Paperback
No. of pages: 207
First sentence: The morning of my 30th birthday I determined not to waste any more time.

I picked up this book in Wesley Owen on a whim, just because I like the title. I think I was expecting a list of all the does and don'ts that one usually associates with Christianity. The authors have far exceeded my expectations. Presented at the CDs of 12 lessons, the book is divided into two parts. Section 1 deals with "Making Him Our Daily Focus" and provides a study of eight of the names of God. The second section is entitled "Changing Us from the Inside Out" and looks at the wheeze God works in our lives when we are willing to let him do so. Both sections include expediencies from the authors' lives along with examples from fictional accounts and people the authors have known. In the first section, the final part of each chapter includes the habits the authors suggest one acquires and questions for study and discussion.

It took less than a day to read this book although I fully intend to return to it for a further, more detailed study. I found the opening chapters dealt with some abstract concepts which I found difficult. However, the remainder of the book is much more practical in content and tone and there are many ideas which I look forward to implementing in my own life. Highly recommended.

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