
Sunday, 8 June 2008

58 - Joshua Harris - I Kissed Dating Goodbye

I Kissed Dating Goodbye
Harris, Joshua
No. of pages:
First sentence:
Reading a book is a lot like a dating relationship.

I bought this book a number of years ago because I was looking for a different way to run my, very disastrous, love life. I passed it on to the Church library without reading it but saw it on the shelf a few weeks ago and decided to pick it up again as I've been reading other books on similar themes recently.

I think Harris has a fairly unique take on the relationships scene because he's a single young man. Most books on the subject seem to be written by one half or other of a married couple. I'm torn between finding Harris' account inspiring or irritating. Presumably this is because I measure up so poorly to the ideals he had set.

Harris begins by looking at the ways in which our culture tells us to run our love lives and then outlines his alternative proposal - courtship (although he doesn't use that name). He looks thoroughly at the obstacles to be overcome by the single person and at ways of developing a relationship when you are ready for marriage. I feel like I'll never be ready as I measure myself against Harris' ideals!

I would recommend this book to other singles or the parents of young people about to enter the romantic field and I will read more from the author. It will be interesting to watch him develop as an author and a Christian. I wonder how high those ideals will be in a few years?

1 comment:

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Perhaps this is why Josh Harris isnt married! I have to say I haven't heard many positive reviews about this book. If you're interested in dating books try How Get A Date Worth Keeping. I think it is important to remember though they men generally dont read dating manuals which may be the cause of a great deal of our frustration as women.

Found you though Cwo. I hope you can come visit me. I read Vanity Fair and reviewed it on my blog. Its in the archives.